E-Dental Education Academy

The future of online dental education

Accredited PG Courses

All of our Postgraduate courses are fully accredited by EduQual.

Online Courses

All of our PG courses are offered online, giving you the opportunity to learn at any time and at any pace.

Interactive Lessons

All of our lessons are created with cutting edge learning technology.

The E-Dental Education Academy

The E-Dental Education Academy has been established by Professor Ama Johal, a highly respected dental educational trainer with over 25 years of experience, to offer a unique online post-graduate learning experience for dental professionals and specialists.

Professor Johal introduced the UK’s 1st introductory 1-day course [2007] in Dental Sleep Medicine and Adult Orthodontics [2015], with both being extremely well received by all delegates, reflected in the glowing course evaluations, 100% positive feedback and testimonials.

The E-Dental Education Academy provides accredited PG Diplomas [level 7], leading to the award of an EduQual (UK) certified level 7 qualification. Furthermore, E-Dental Education Academy has received wide endorsements from National and International Professional organisations as a mark of the quality of teaching and learning experiences being offered.

The E-Dental Education Academy is designed to provide the most up-to-date online innovative teaching and learning styles. This educational resource has been specifically tailored to meet the busy needs of clinicians, offering part-time post-graduate training, which can be accessed remotely and at anytime for your convenience.

The E-Dental Education Academy provides a teaching resource that not only provides an evidence-based approach to underpinning the latest clinical practice and research findings. Importantly, these are presented through a unique interactive platform that not only allows you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills but importantly the ability to both self-reflect on your learning through instant interactive feedback and regular online mentor lead forums.

The E-Dental Education Academy uses online course assessment for the individual and overall module scores, based on a combination of the interactive lecture learning feedback [formative assessment] and end of module test [summative assessments]. 

Our Postgraduate Courses


Certification Introductory Course to Dental Sleep Medicine


Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Orthodontics

What Our Students Have to Say

Excellent speaker, very clear, knowledgeable and friendly.

R Patel
Excellently presented course which I found very interesting and highly informative.
A Cook
Superb speaker, if only my dental school lecturers were as good!
G Crowther
Impressed with this course, think all dentists should do it.
M Kocisova